with so many energy efficiency building terms and challenges out there, what is what? we laid this out in laymen’s terms and are keeping it short and simple…or at least try the best we can.
answer (1 of 23): net zero is a flexible concept. building a home that requires no external energy for heating and cooling will be expensive. building a very energy efficient home and including a very large solar array that will produce in a year more energy than the home uses in year is much eas...
ph needs to meet certain (what) thresholds to get certification. what about nz? is there a certification also? who? in the end, does not a ph come within inches of nz? so who cares?
there are many ways to build sustainably. passive house and net-zero construction are two such ways. but what's the difference between them?
the transformation to renewably powered and positive carbon buildings, communities, and planet is happening now with healthy, sustainable, regenerative, resilient, living buildings and places, connected to and built on biophilia and biomimicry (nature’s design principles).
is there anything more luxurious than spending time in a well-built home? standing proudly on a hill surrounded by gorgeous mountain views, situated in one of the coldest areas of colorado, the fraser-granby mountain valley, is a surprisingly efficient house. the contemporary active-passive solar house is situated and built to be cool in the summer
it is not just about energy, but also the health/wellness discussion should be incorporated into the question.
learn the differences between certifications before starting your new green home build or efficiency retrofit. bpc green builders helps ny and ct homeowners learn about the different kinds of energy efficient homes, find out how much green homes cost, and more.
see the differences between net-zero & passive houses so you can confidently compare these energy-efficient options before deciding which will be best for you.
the energy savings from net zero passive houses can reduce heating costs by 75% to 90%, and these new dwellings have a much longer life span, writes passive design solutions’ natalie leonard. she says ensuring that all new structures achieve significant and permanent energy reductions will require financial incentives to facilitate the replacement of existing homes.
net-zero homes are alternative green building structures which are on the rise in order to tackle the climate change emergency. these homes are strategically designed to cut down the green-house gas (ghg) emissions. in fact, these emissions are the principle polluters. from leaving the lights on unaware to blasting the thermostat non-stop to using innumerable […]
this amazing net-zero passive house is designed for -40 northern canadian winters with no furnace.
have you ever wondered what the difference is between a net-zero house and a passive house? they’re both buzzwords in the green industry. but also appear in the mainstream news and the speeches of politicians. gaining in popularity, it’s good to be aware of the differences. in some cases, it’s the smallest of details. but […]
fiberglass windows & doors. energy efficient windows. passive house windows. greenbuild home windows. triple pane, triple glazed windows
crest centre northern ireland by paul mcalister architects - commercial and residential buildings in europe are overall responsible for 40% of total energy consumption and 36% of co2 emissions.
learn how the phius zero passive building standard sets the industry standard for net zero energy design, pushing further than phius core.
university of toronto’s latest student residence welcomes the future of living with spaces that are warmed by laptops and shower water.&nb...
concerns about climate change are mounting, energy costs are on the rise, and homeowners everywhere are looking for answers…
passive house is a performance-based building certification that focuses on the dramatic reduction of energy use for space heating and cooling. it is a set of metrics for energy performance, a cert…
discover the profound difference between a passive house and a building at near or net zero energy. read our blog post to learn more!
at frontiers, we are continuously soaking up industry innovation and translating that knowledge to our clients. making informed decisions in our changing world is critical to future-proofing our homes.
interested in making your home a net zero energy home? sometimes it’s nice to use a good book (or two) as your guide. here are some of our favorites.
certified passive house window & door systems what was born out of a legal requirement for construction of buildings with low energy consumption in europe has now become a global standard and s…
net zero vs passive house? one of canada's best strategies in combatting the effects of climate change is the development of net zero and passive houses.
net zero vs. leed homes. alair homes explains the difference and looks into which style of home is best for you.
comparing building a passive house to a conventional home, definitions, energy efficiency, costs, timelines and savings, by leading passive house team, carmel building & design
changes to the way houses and other buildings are constructed could lower energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, writes richard lebrasseur, an assistant professor of landscape architecture and director of dal's green infrastructure performance lab.
discover the difference between net zero and passive homes, combining smart sustainable design with renewable energy to create the ultimate sustainable living solution.
project drawdown is the “most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming”. according to their website, this initiative “gathered a qualified and diverse group of researchers from around the world to identify, research, and model the 100 most substantive, existing solutions to address climate change. what was uncovered is a path forward that can roll...
timber ridge craftsmen. passive house designer / builder. smith mountain lake, roanoke virginia. green builder, net zero, solar, energy star, & earthcraft.
we are providing information about the leed standard, standalone building and passive housing.
did you know climate change is already affecting our […]
my wife and i are designing a new mountain home in banner elk, nc. we are in the initial design stages with our architect and are confused by the numerous options to consider. our house will be built in the eagles nest community which has a pacific northwest lodge feel. our home site is at a 5,000 foot elevation on the mountain ridge with a northern view.
read our leed vs. net zero vs. passive house: what's the difference? article in the wdm architects newsroom.
zero energy ready homes are affordable and cover a wide variety of home types.
passive house is a green building rating system that focuses on building performance and energy costs. learn about its principles and the type of projects it fits.
how to cut your home's carbon emission to zero by someone who has done it with heat pumps, insulation, triple-pane windows and solar panels which i call the fab four.
this article will compare and contrast the net-zero and passive house construction approaches, outlining the benefits and drawbacks of each.
doe zero energy ready homes: the home of the future today!
are you interested in building or living in a net-zero or passive home? check out our latest blog post where we discuss net zero home design & tips in this buyers guide to next zero & passive homes.
zero energy homes are the ultimate energy efficient homes zero energy homes are just like any home—except better. they are regular grid-tied homes that are so air-tight, well insulated, and energy efficient that they produce as much renewable energy as they consume over the course of a year, leaving the occupants with a net zero […]
lots of good resources are now available, detailing how to design and build houses that consume very little energy and that produce at least as much energy as they consume (i.e., net-zero-energy homes). some “passive” homes reduce energy consumption by as much as 80-90%. new book on the topic: energy free homes for a small planet, by ann edminster. see the post for info on this and other resources and links.
both passive house and net zero designs require a high level of insulation and air sealing to reduce energy consumption.
the following information and examples provided are based on a typical nyc townhouse of a rowhouse typology.
this client-led project resulted in a super-smart certified passive house on a heavily shaded urban lot. they even went net zero!
architect garth schwellenbach shares the lessons learned from a high-performance, low-impact, and zero-maintenance home with stunning views to spare.
socotec has recognized the growing audience and their desire for the passive house method of building. in-turn, socotec has invested in two of its team members to become certified passive house consultants (cphcs).